UPDATE:OptiLife Mask with Headgear and pillows cushions and CradleCushionsTM P,S,M and S,M, Cradle Cuishions
Product Description
OptiLife, the first mask in Respironics new MyLife series, fits your life and makes your life easier. OptiLife features a unique headgear design and a chin support band that allows it to be easily put on and adjusted with little effort and no buckles. In fact, OptiLife is so easy-to-use that the mask can be put into place with one hand. Plus, OptiLife is easy-to-clean and maintain, and it s durable enough to stand up to the real-world demands of daily use. Our updated OptiLife Mask Packs include more flexible tubing so that OptiLife stays secure even on active sleepers and cradle cushion options for a less invasive, more minimal contact interface. OptiLife Nasal Pillows provide a highly contoured pillow interface that fits comfortably into the nostrils for an easy, leak-free seal. Sizes available: Petite, Small, Medium, and Large. OptiLife Cradle Cushions offer a non-invasive direct seal interface that includes a generous landing area and deep arc for excellent comfort and seal. Sizes available: Small, Medium, Large and LargeNarrow. OptiLife has soft headgear straps on the cheek so it's great for side sleepers, and it has NO BUCKLES on so it's easy to adjust and won't cause sore spots. Each OptiLife mask comes with multiple nasal pillow and/or cradle cushion sizes so you'll be sure to get a robust, comfortable seal right out of the box.SOURCE:OptiLife Mask with Headgear and pillows cushions and CradleCushionsTM P,S,M and S,M, Cradle Cuishions
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