Saturday, July 3, 2010

Stop Snoring Snore Sleep Apnea Anti Snoring Device Custom Fitted ProSnore Snore ApplianceH

Product Features

  • Lab custom fitted not boil and bite.
  • 1/3 the price Doctor's and Dentists would charge for the same thing.
UPDATE:Stop Snoring Snore Sleep Apnea Anti Snoring Device Custom Fitted ProSnore Snore Appliance

Product Description

The ProSnore appliance works by bringing the bottom jaw forward about 1/4 of an inch opening the airway and tightening the loose tissue at the back of the throat stopping the snoring. The appliance is custom fitted from an impression taken in the comfort of your own home. Once ordered we will ship an impression kit with all the materials needed and detailed instructions. After taking the impression you will then mail it straight to the dental lab for fabrication with the pre-addressed/prepaid dental mailing bag. Once the impression is received by the dental lab they will fabricate the custom fitted appliance within 1 to 2 days and ship it back. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

10 tips to have a fresh breath

Keep your tongue clean
Gently brush it with a soft nylon toothbrush after you brush your teeth.

Drink More Water!
The drier your mouth, the worse your breath gets

Keep Calm
Stress makes your breath worse!

Avoid breath mints and/or gum that contain sugar
These actually make your breath worse

Don’t try to kill the odor of bad breath with another odor
This is what most of the ‘Big Name’ oral care companies would like you to believe works

Blow your nose more often
Your breath gets worse when you have a cold, allergies, or post-nasal drip

Don’t use mouth wash w/ alcohol or toothpaste that has sodium lauryl sulfate
Do you have any idea how many oral care products contain these two ingredients? Here’s a hint, just about all of them

Drink plenty of water when taking prescription medications
Many of these medicines make your mouth extremely dry

Stop Smoking
It will give you bad breath in a nanosecond, but may only take 20 years to kill you!

And finally, The Best Way to Eliminate & Prevent Bad Breath?
Use Clinically Proven Oxygenating Oral Products .


Important things you may not know about bad breath:

In most cases (about 90%), bad breath comes from the mouth itself.

- Despite public opinion, bad breath rarely comes from the stomach.

- Most people can smell other people’s breath, but have troublesmelling their own. So, if you think you have bad breath, you might or you might not. Bad taste is usually not a good indication. The best and simplest way to find out is to ask an adult in your family or a close friend.

- In the mouth, the most common source of bad breath is the very back of the tongue. Food debris, dead cells and postnasal drip can accumulate there, and the breakdown of the proteins by the resident bacteria causes foul odor. The second most important cause is bacteria breaking down protein between your teeth. By the way, the gases and other molecules that the bacteria produce are toxic and can harm your gums as well. Two good reasons to floss every day (if you don’t believe me, smell the floss)…

- Bad breath usually increases when the mouth is dry. Chewing sugarless gum for 4-5 minutes at a time can be helpful.

- The generalization that mouthwashes work for only a few minutes is wrong. Try gargling right before bedtime for best results. Some researchers recommend alcohol-free mouthrinses.

- Eating a hearty and healthy breakfast cleans the mouth and back of the tongue, gets the saliva flowing, and is probably good for you.

- Some people (maybe 5-7% of the population) have experienced small crumbly ’stones’ in their mouths that have a foul smell. These are called ‘tonsilloliths’. They are partially calcified, full of bacteria and develop in crypts in the tonsils. They smell pretty bad, but do not always cause bad breath (again, you have to ask someone).

- In the large majority of cases, bad breath can be dramatically improved or eliminated.

- Children as young or two or three can have bad breath from postnasal drip, dental plaque and transient throat infections. However, if they develop sudden offensive odor that appears to come from all over their body, ask the physician to check whether they stuffed something up one of their nostrils.

MD300W1 Sleep Monitor

Product Features

  • Small and portable design won't affect your sleep
  • Record the blood-oxygen saturation and pulse rate in real time.
  • Store the measured data and transfer to a computer.
  • Use software to analyze blood oxygen and pulse rate statistics
  • specially designed to help people self-diagnose primarily screen HSAS in their home
UPDATE:MD300W1 Sleep Monitor

Product Description

Our MD300W1 Sleep Monitor is specially designed to help people self-diagnose primarily screen HSAS in their home, different from those expensive medical instruments in clinics and hospitals. It is a small and convenient device more suitable for family use. Sleep apnea syndrome affects thousands of people's sleeping health. HSAS (Hypopnea Sleep Apnea Syndrome) is one kind which is as common as adult diabetes. According to the European Health Organization, HSAS can happen to anyone -- not only to the overweight and obese.
*Small and portable design won't affect your sleep
*Record the blood-oxygen saturation and pulse rate in real time.
*Store the measured data and transfer to a computer.
*Use software to analyze blood oxygen and pulse rate statistics.
*Set up to 10 ID codes which can be shared with your family.
*Easy-to-read report can tell you whether you suffer from HSAS.

  • Save time by avoiding a trip to the clinic.
    SOURCE:MD300W1 Sleep Monitor

  • Thursday, July 1, 2010

    Profile Lite Nasal Gel Mask With Headgear

    I purchased this online because my medical insurance covers only one per year and the new puppy did her thing on the other one. This is my third mask. It is far more comfortable than my old one and half the price! On my old mask, I had to hook or unhook the straps to get it on or off. The design of this mask allows me to easily slip it on and off. I do not experience leaks in the seal unless I roll over and move it in the process. I am sure we will see far more effective and comfortable masks in the future. For right now, this Mask exceeds my expectations. The downside is that my model does not come apart for cleaning, but for me that's no big deal. The seller was outstanding.

    UPDATE:Profile Lite Nasal Mask Small

    Product Features

    Size: Small
    • Compatible with all CPAP and BiPAP Systems from Respironics, ResMed, Fisher & Paykel, Puritan Bennett, DeVilbiss, and more.
    • Few moving parts and easy assembly makes the Profile Lite easy to clean
    • Customizable gel cushion has a unique soft outer layer for a gentle fit, and a customizable inner layer that molds to a user's facial contours
    • Comes with Respironic's Deluxe Headgear which adjusts in eight places to create a secure, comfortable fit with less chafing and pinching
    • Soft Gel cushion conforms to the user's forehead; Front swivel moves freely and allows a wide range of tube positioning
    SOURCE: Profile Lite Nasal Mask Small

    Wednesday, June 30, 2010

    Sleep Apnea Pillow - CPAP Pillow - CPAP Nasal Pillow a Sleep Apnea Mask Device Pillow, Pillow For Sleep Apnea

    Being a side sleeper, this pillow not only provided comfort for the mask - but also handled the neck/shoulder stress that regular pillows cannot provide. Would recommend this pillow for almost anyone.

    UPDATE : Sleep Apnea Pillow - CPAP Pillow - CPAP Nasal Pillow a Sleep Apnea Mask Device Pillow, Pillow For Sleep Apnea

    Product Features

    • cpap nasal pillow
    • pillow for sleep apnea

    Product Description

    Contour Sleep Apnea pillow designed to help patients get a good night's sleep. 

    Tuesday, June 29, 2010

    Nasivent Tube - Anti Snoring, Snore and Anti Sleep Apnea Aid

    This Nasivent anti-snoring aid is incredible. My husband loves it. Suddenly he is not waking up to my snoring. It fits lightly into the nose and doesn't fall out. I have tried other devices, and this is the only one that works. Since I often go to retreats where I have to sleep in the same room with a group of people, it is a lifesaver (sleepsaver) for all those who formerly had to stay awake listening to me all night.

    UPDATE : Nasivent Tube - Anti Snoring, Snore and Anti Sleep Apnea Aid

    Product Features

    • BREAKTHROUGH in Anti Snoring and Sleep Apnea. Tested by E.N.T. Doctors (See list of Doctors underneath)
    • The Most Comfortable and HEALTHY Way: Breath Through the Nose. NasiVent end's Harmful Mouth breathing
    • Allow's you to Sleep on your side and Breathing FREE through the Nose. The natural way to Breathing.
    • As Not One Nose is the same, NasiVent Comes in 4 Different Sizes For a Perfect Personal Fit. Does NOT slip out
    • For Just a Healthy Sleep without Snoring and Apnea and dry mouth. German Design. Money back Guarantee.
    SOURCE : Nasivent Tube - Anti Snoring, Snore and Anti Sleep Apnea Aid

    Monday, June 28, 2010

    Stop Snoring Mouth Piece - Anti Snore Device Sleep Apnea Cessation Aid

    This device works and works well. I recently bought a "stop snoring" pillow from Brookstone for $100, but it was only marginally effective. The Brookstone pillow only works when sleeping on your back. I bought the Snore-Ex device as a more portable alternative prior to taking a vacation with my wife.

    The instructions for fitting the device were concise and accurate. I probably could have been more aggressive in biting down during the fitting, but the fit was sufficient to keep my jaw positioned forward just like "positioning your teeth to bite corn on the cob" (as it says in the directions).

    There was some discomfort during the first few nights, but I found I could gradually increase the time from a few hours to wearing it overnight. Also, I have noticed that it has a training effect in that I now tend to sleep with my jaw forward, even when I am not wearing the Snore-Ex device.

    I plan to order more, one to see if I can improve the fit and another for long term use. Both my wife and I really appreciate the results.

    UPDATE : Stop Snoring Mouth Piece - Anti Snore Device Sleep Apnea Cessation Aid

    Product Features

    • Clinically proven to help 95% of snoring sufferers
    • Each individually molded to guarantee a comfortable lasting fit
    • Recommended by dentist and doctors
    • Features a convenient opening to allow constant air circulation
    • Also includes a storage case & easy step-by-step instructions

    SOURCE:Stop Snoring Mouth Piece - Anti Snore Device Sleep Apnea Cessation Aid